When Physical Transformation Supports Emotional Transformation

by Brandi Concolino

One question I am often asked is, “What made you choose to pursue this career?” As a girl who has always struggled with her own self-esteem issues, this question is one that is near and dear to my heart. We all have something (or many things) that make us feel insecure. Some are easier to deal with or hide than others. So my answer is simple: I love, love, love helping others through their transformation and feel their very best! We can look at someone and see this beautiful person, but if they don’t feel it, then it means nothing. 

Unfortunately, we live in a world where we are judged harshly by our looks and appearance. Too often, people don’t get a fair shot because assumptions are made based on their outward appearance. What are we to do? Well, there are certain things we cannot control, like height, the size of our hands and feet, etc. But there are plenty of things we can fix. I have so many clients who come to me because they are painfully self-conscious about unwanted hair on their faces or bodies. I always tell them, “NO. You are not stuck with that hair, and YES, I can help you.”

Transformation on the Outside Supports Transformation on the Inside

I once had a client who had just moved here from Russia. She had a lot of facial and body hair and was far from happy about it. She brought her husband with her so he could translate for her. After the initial consultation, she left hopeful that I could help her tackle a lifelong problem that had always caused her pain. When she came in for her second treatment, no translator was needed. The smile on her face told me everything. She walked a little lighter, stood a little taller, and had a confidence that was previously missing. It was so heartwarming to see her transformation. When she was finished with her treatments, she was a totally different person from the one I saw in that first meeting. 

I see it every day, but it never ceases to amaze me how much something as simple as removing unwanted hair can affect a person’s self-esteem. Those who don’t struggle with this issue cannot begin to understand the magnitude of what it does for you and how good you feel about yourself when you have hair removal treatments.

It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Unwanted Hair

Whether you’re a woman in menopause, a transgender woman, a teenager who is tired of being teased because they’re “too hairy,” or someone who just doesn’t want to shave anymore…I can help you get to a place where you like what you see in the mirror. Call The Spa at 26Health at 321-800-2922 Ext. 1800 to schedule a consultation.

Ready for Your Beautiful You Transformation?