I’m Pregnant

26Health is here to help you if you find yourself with an unplanned pregnancy, and giving the baby up for adoption is the choice you’d like to make.

What can I expect as a birth mother?

Look to 26Health to shepherd you through the process, helping you understand your rights, finding an adoption attorney, and getting you the financial support you need pre-during-and-post-birth. You drive the type of adoption you wish to have: closed, semi-open, or open. And you help decide if you want your infant to go to virtually any parental household you feel will be best for the baby. 

How can I afford to have a baby?

As your pregnancy progresses, we ensure you have the necessary funds for your personal needs, health, and infant’s health. We even help you to budget any payments you receive during the adoption to ensure you have the means to support your return to the workforce or enrollment in school as you move forward with your life.

What if I change my mind?

The Florida Statutes allows you to change your mind about adoption at any time before you sign over consent, which can only happen 48 hours after you have given birth. That said, as a licensed Florida adoption agency, we want to help you determine well before the birth, whether adoption is right for you, so you feel confident in your choice. 26Health Adoptions provides counseling during your pregnancy, labor, delivery, and even beyond the adoption’s finalization.

Birth parents of older children

Are you a parent of a toddler or an older child and are considering adoption? 26Health Adoptions offers advice about placement, legal matters, and the adoption process for birth parents of older children. We can also help with counseling or social support services.

We consider our support for the “birth triad” to be balanced and in service of birth mothers, parents, adoptees, and adoptive parents.

Are you ready to consider adoption for you and your baby?