Substance Use, Misuse, Abuse & Addiction

Social Exclusion of our Communities

People in our community often face difficult challenges such as discrimination, prejudice, bullying or violence that can exacerbate aspects that lead to substance use, misuse, abuse and even addiction. We put the well-being of those who feel excluded or disadvantaged by society
at the heart of our work, taking into consideration important factors to customize a plan to overcome your substance use.

It Starts with One Small Step

One of the most important factors in overcoming substance misuse, abuse or addiction is knowing you’re ready to trade the negatives of your use for the positives that will fulfill your vision for your future. We’ll start there — and help you move forward into a healthy and empowering life, together.

26Health of Orlando will help you identify the relationships, goals, and dreams that mean the world to you, so you can break free from addiction.